Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The failure of the Constituent Assembly & a party syndicate : A Perspective

 -Krishna Paudel
A CA member , a mere number :
Most Nepalese are used to enjoying ridiculing the Constituent Assembly (CA) members for their inability in drafting a timely constitution, for the job they had been elected at the first place. But soon after the CA election the Maoists got catapulted into the position of the single largest party in the assembly from a ranked outsider, a rebel force just been inducted to peace overtures with the government for a small pie of a political role. The size and strength of the political parties changed and their ambition or prospects either skyrocketed or plummeted accordingly. The consequence was that priorities, too, changed from constitution drafting to forming or deforming governments. The ensuing spell of power struggle was a predictable eventuality. The Maoist party was still a warring force against the state and at the same moment by virtue of being the single largest party in the CA rightfully wanted to occupy the helm of the state . They wanted both the prime-ministership and to be born presidency. But theirs was not an absolute majority and couldn’t therefore decide on their own. Others had their suspicions on the Maoists as the latter still proclaimed a one party communist rule in the nation as their party's goal. For or against the Maoists’ ascendency to power, Mathematical equation came into play. This political mathematics then became the feature statement of the CA ‘s life ever since.

Most CA members were either from one of the major four political groupings and their factions – the Maoists ( 238 seats) , Nepali Congress ( 115 seats) , UML ( 105 seats) and the Madhishe ( forum) Morcha factions ( almost 70) along with other smaller fringe parties and independents . The 601 or thereabout CA members, although they represented people in their constituencies, the control of the their respective political parties over the individual member was beyond any breach. The CA member alone or in smaller groups could do nothing at all that could make a difference. Yes of course, sloganeering and boycotting in or out of the assembly could be their options, and even doing that the cost of their party’s wrath inviting suspension or ouster. Therefore , the CA member was reduced to a puppet who was there to clap and show numbers in passing a bill or opposing it as a party man under the whip. He was a mere number, a stick in the bundle whose essence relied on being in the group as a whole with no individual identity. Almost every member in the Assembly barring a real few are in their respective party boxes and they are tied to the group inside each of them. A member can’t come out of the box in which he/she has been stuffed in and cry foul of inaction. In the extreme case scenario, an idiosyncratic fool of this type will be definitely bundled and thrown out by his/her party for breaching the party line and defying the all binding whip. So a CA member is a sorry fellow who can hardly speak his mind and do his private work without risking his pay package due to as a CA member. He has to completely tow the party line  making fair of his itchy desperation pressed upon by ethics , if any at all.

Party Syndicate:

Rightly so, because they spent their mandated 2 years plus another quarter of a year without bothering much towards their stipulated task of constituent making , people would jeer at them at the possible instant . But, we have mostly deliberately forgotten that the inaction was not their individual or collective fault as a full house CA, as described above. In fact, the makeup of the CA is as such that many of them are there as CA members for the sake of being representatives alone under the system. They may be members of certain ethnic groups, work groups or a class of people with a very little connection with law, constitution or matters of politics of the state. Most don’t know what constitution making warrants of them except cheering or jeering up along party lines. Such is the plight and persona of our poor CA ! On the other hand there is  little a CA member can do to write a much required constitution nor can they together do it. Most members elected or nominated haven’t got an iota of idea about the thing they are supposed to create! It is because the senior most leadership of political parties is always involved in talks and negotiations with each other and there is very little for them to agree on due to their ideological and petty political stances. They simply can’t agree on issues most often. The decisions, if any, are taken by the summit leaders of the major parties and the decision will be thrown open for yes votes in CA. Often the deliberations and discussions run riot for days and months keeping all elusive agreement to the spectacle of a climax. Decisions by the meet of party supermoms are not taken when there is still time but towards the stretched seconds of the 12th  hour amid an anti-climatic shy of relief.

The CA as a club of faithful cheerers is still existent and it’s probably living its final months of being. Its past renewals saw the new term being fueled for the election of yet another Prime-minister. But this time, contrary to hitherto practice, we have new PM before the extension of another quarterly term was accorded. So, he has a free rein of three months if let free by his own folks of the party and others in opposition ready to pounce upon any moment. The CA term has got a new lease of life by three months. By the time it expires, it will complete 3 and half a year of its life cycle, many times resurrected through the last moment resuscitation , it may be the end , too. Miracles can’t be denied though , not Godly but ever oddly !

Monday, August 29, 2011

All is not spent , good folks still rekindle Hope !

- Krishna Paudel
Yesterday, popular Dr. Baburam Bhattarai took oath of office and assumed the coveted yet not so liked honour of Nepalese premiership . The communists have to prove some points, that shows if not substantiates, and he did it by boarding a home assembled Jeep called 'Mustang' to the president's office and then to his own. He announced proudly that the same 'Mustang' would continue to remain his cosy 'conveyance'. It strikes the chord with the people who so desperately wish to hear something good about our politicians ! after all, We have bee so accustomed to bear and despise our gluttonously all devouring politicians .

I personally couldn't stand not criticizing Dr. Bhattarai for not going to 'Shaheedgate' ( Nepalese Marty's Memorial site ) to pay tributes to our beloved 'Shaheeds' . He did away with the customary wreath laying ceremony at the Martyr's Memorial Gate but preferred to pay tribute to the first Communist leader 'Pushpa Lal' instead . In doing so, our popular doctor prime-minister , distanced himself as rather a conspicuous communist than a non-partisan politician. This action was probably to prove that he was more of a communist pith unlike his predecessors from the same faith school. As these martyrs didn't die for a communist cause or so-called revolution , did it mean little to him? But it didn't have to be . Not wholesome . You are there to heal , not spread acrimony due to your well-meaning little gestures , I reckon. Small matter , a big message !

Dr. Bhattarai promises much . We should avoid imagining another failure because yet another failure will result in total disenchantment in our political folks . He should start well and end up in a good note !

But there are other good people ,too. One of them is the erstwhile minister for Electricity and Power , Mr. Gokarna Bista, who stood tall among the mediocre and mundane. He didn't cause any miracles but remained plain and honest . This all made the difference . He proved the best among the multitude with some evident actions . He showed it in the end by returning home on a taxi in completing his last day of his given job. We should hail those politicians better and with a grand applause that come back home incorruptible and thus uncontaminated ! Most of the first timers were always honest and clean but they returned home cluttered and corrupted .

Amid all the disillusionment, there are a few real honest people carrying the wick of hope protected. Thank you Mr. Bista, for not letting our flicker of hope extinguish in this torrent of desperation !

शुभकामना र बधाइ छ , बाबुरामजी !

-कृष्ण पौडेल
यतिबेला नेपाल बाबुराममय भएको छ । यसो त देशमा बाबुरामहरू कति छन् कति, तर चर्चाका डाक्टर बाबुराम नम्बरी सुनको पनि १ नम्बरी मानिएका छन् , उनी माओवादी पार्टीबाट प्रधानमन्त्री बनेका हुन् र यो त्यही पार्टी हो जसले मुलुकलाई १३ वर्ष रगतपच्छे पार्दै त्यही लिस्नो चढेर सत्ताको मचान चढ्न आइपुगेको हो , तर बाबुराम माओवादी भन्दा बाहिर राखिएर बुझिए जस्ता देखिने पात्र बनेका छन् । उनी माओवादी हिंसा र समस्याभन्दा बाहिर राखेर महिमामण्डन गरिएका देखिन्छन् । उनले बन्दूक बोकेर कसैको सफाया गरे-गरेनन् तर त्यसको नेतृत्व तहमा रहँदा लाग्ने कल्मषको दोषबाट पनि उनी बाहिर देखिएका छन् अथवा देखाइएको छ । विशेष गरी , माओवादीलाई शान्ति र संविधानसभाको बाटोमा ल्याउने योजनाकार मानिएका बाबुराम , माओवादीले शान्ति प्रकृयामा आइसकेपछि लिएको बाटोमा सहमतीय राजनीतिको पक्षमा उभिने सीमित नेताहरू मध्ये पर्छन् भनिन्छ।

सहमति, शान्ति र संविधान भन्दै माओवादी पार्टीभित्र बसेर एक्लै कराइरहने बाबुराम , बहुमतको पनि अनौठो समीकरणीय घोडा चढेर प्रधानमन्त्री पदमा आसीन हुन आइपुगेका छन् , यो उनको आफ्नै अडानमाथिको विडम्बना हुन सक्छ । तर , 'अन्त भला त सब भला' भन्ने भनाइ अनुसार , प्रधानमन्त्री बन्न कै लागि सहमति वा बहुमती के हो त्यसको फेहरिस्त बताइरहनु पर्दैन किनभने बाबुराम प्रधानमन्त्री बनिसकेका छन् , एउटा अध्याय यहीँ सकिएर अर्कोको थालनी पनि भैसकेको छ ।

गाउँको एउटा निम्नमध्यम परिवारमा जन्मेका जेहन्दार र मेधावी बाबुराम , आफ्नो विशिष्ट अग्रतायुक्त पढाइ र विद्वताका कारण बढी चिनिएका छन् । तर उनको उच्च शिक्षासंग जोडिएको भारत र त्यहाँका शैक्षिक संस्था र व्यक्तित्वसंगको उनको निकटतालाई नै प्रयोग गरेर उनको फरक छवी र कदलाई अक्सर होच्याउने गरिन्छ । यसरी होच्याउने र तुच्छ्याउने काम उनको दलभन्दा अलग बिरोधी दलहरूले गरेको नभएर , स्वयं उनकै पार्टीका ,विशेष गरी, शीर्ष नेतृत्व तहदेखि नै उनलाई भारतको विश्ववासपात्रको रूपमा छवी दिलाइएको छ । बाबुरामको शीर्षसत्तारोहणमा पनि स्वयं माओवादीले भारतीय संस्थापन पक्षको इशारामा नाच्ने भनेर आरोप लगाइएका मधिशे मोर्चाका बिभिन्न घटकहरू सहयोगी बन्न आइपुगेका छन् । यो कुरालाई केवल एउटा नियमति आकस्मिकता हो भनेर मान्न कोही तयार छैन ।सरकार निर्माणको मसला, कारिगरी र डिजाइन लुकेको छैन , यसपाला पनि, जस्तो अक्सर हाम्रोमा हुने गर्छ ।

नेपाली राजनीतिको बिगत ४,५ वर्षे संक्रमणकालको एउटा विशेषता देखिएको छ - प्रधानमन्त्रीको जागिर धेरैले अघाउञ्जेल खाए तर मुलुकको दीगो हित हुने कामको सिन्को कसैले भाँचेनन् । सिधा, स्वच्छ , इमान्दार र वौद्धिक व्यक्तित्वका धनी बाबुराम अब त्यो कसैले पूरा गर्न नसकेको अभिभारा बोक्न आइपुगेका छन् । शान्तिको हलो उनकै पार्टीले ढुङ्गामा अड्काएर रोकेको छ , संविधान लेखनमा पनि बिमतिको खात ज्यूँका त्यूँ छ र उता संविधानसभाको आयू कति थप्दै जाने भन्ने कुराको लिगलिग कोटको डिल सामुन्ने खडा छ । जसले जे भने पनि बाबुराम कै पार्टी माओवादीले 'अब त अति भयो अब मनैदेखि शान्ति र संविधानका लगि लाग्छौँ' भन्ने चाह्यो भने मात्र बाबुरामको कार्यकाल सफल बनाउन र नेपाली राजनीतिको अनिश्चय हटाउन सक्छ । तर बाबुरामको प्रधानमन्त्रीय कार्यकालको कुरो गर्दा , उनकै पार्टीको भूमिका कस्तो रहने हो भन्ने प्रश्नलाई अहं मानिएको देखिन्छ र त्यही निर्णायक हुन सक्छ ।

भिजन भएका , स्वच्छ छवीयुक्त , बौद्धिक, धेरैले मन पराएका जनमतले पनि पत्याएको मानिएका, शान्ति ,संविधान र सहमतिका लागि माओवादी भित्रबाट आवाज उठाउने सीमित नेता मध्ये एक , एकपटक प्रम बनाएर हेर्नै पर्ने व्यक्ति पनि भएको हुनाले उनको कार्यकाल सफल र धेरै हदसम्म सर्वग्राह्य हुनसके नेपाली राजनीतिमा जनताको सकारात्मक आशा अकारण मर्न पर्ने थिएन कि भन्ने हो । शुभकामना र बधाइ छ , बाबुरामजी !